Take a hike and do some good. Register your hike cleanup results and become a part of Clean Trails. Its simple, take a hike (climb, beach walk, ride) and pickup at least one piece of litter.

Report a CleanUp

Register your cleanup results to the global map - ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY CLEANUP TYPE.


It’s easy to become a Clean Trails Advocate or more, all we need for you to start is your name, an email address, and zip code to keep in touch. You decide what activities best suit you…


You’ll be surprised by the positive reactions!

  • Practice Responsible Recreation – Every time you go hiking you can make a difference, just pick up one piece of litter.

  • Be Social – Spread the word: follow, like, share and post pictures on your favorite Clean Trails social media channel: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest Don’t forget our hashtag #cleantrails

  • Demonstrate Trailhead Leadership – Pick up, encourage others, and tell others about Clean Trails at a nearby trail head.

  • Talk to others – Create a Trail Card

  • Purchase Goodies – Our store is growing with items like Litter Getters, Clean Trails Starter Kit, T-shirts, hats, or trail boxes to install at your favorite trail or area.

  • Donate here to help us grow our cause.

Cleanup Ambassador

Email us for more detail on any of these volunteer activities.

  • Adopt A Trail – Take responsibility for your favorite trail and keep it looking just as nature intended.

  • Organize a trail cleanup day with your company, club, church, family, and friends.

  • Create a school project (permission from instructor/school required).

  • Contribute as a “Trail Blazer” social media provider.

  • Become a Clean Trails Ambassador for your city/area.

  • Think big and develop your own project.

Become a CleanUp Ambassador


Email us for more detail on any of these volunteer activities.

  • Become a Clean Trails Coordinator for your city/area

  • Join our team of professionals managers in a specific organizational area or aspect of Clean Trails.

  • Add your expertise to our Stewardship Council

Please consider supporting Clean Trails with a donation, or send us an email to become a corporate sponsor.


Getting Started

Thank you for your interest in Clean Trails. Clean Trails encourages people to recreate responsibly by cleaning up litter on our nations’ public trails and natural spaces.  We’re here to help you coordinate clean up activities at your favorite recreation areas, following are guidelines to help you get started:

General Questions

  • Do you have a corporate citizenship, community service, or charitable giving programs in place?

  • Do you plan volunteer activities for your family, club, organization or employees?

  • Are these set days? (Ie, “Impact Day” is held on the first Wednesday of June)

  • How many people are in your group? Can the group be divided into smaller subgroups? There may be limitations on how many people can be on a trail or trail head at a given time.

Event Questions and Checklist:

  • Do you have a specific date in mind for the event?

  • Do you need a location with picnic tables? Bathrooms? Or will you do your cleanup and head straight to a restaurant for lunch?

  • Is there a specific trail or park you’d like to clean up? Have you spoken with the landowner to ask permission for hosting the event? Are there insurance requirements for hosting an event (if there are, please contact our CSR Program Director for more information about insurance)

  • Will your company provide a release of liability form? Would an event require liability insurance or other insurance preparations?

  • Promote your event! Share our website for more information, or we can provide a flyer. Encourage volunteers to connect with Clean Trails on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn social media channels.

Event / Trail Questions: For Clean Trails

  • Does the date selected correspond with availability for a Clean Trails volunteer to participate? Does this work with their schedules? Reach out to your Clean Trails State Coordinator to make sure someone can be there.

  • Once we have permission from the landowner and have made all necessary insurance preparations, finalize event date and fill out the Social Media Event Form, send to

At the Event:

  • Intro on Clean Trails, goal of organization and why we are doing this! Safety talk, distribute Litter Getters and plastic bags. Point out bathrooms.

  • Make sure liability forms are turned in. Ask people to sign the Clean Trails Volunteer Form.

  • Clean the Trails! Have some fun! Be safe!

  • Take pictures of both people and the trash collected. Estimate how much was picked up. Can you make clever estimates on volume? Did you pick up more or less than expected? Are there repeat offenders (ie, cigarette butts, cans, candy wrappers)? Can you identify brands?

  • Post pictures on company’s social media and send event pictures to

  • Collect the Litter Getters from hikers and pack up

After the Event:

  • Send Clean Trails Volunteer Form list to your State or Local Coordinator via email

  • Follow up with any event attendees that showed interest in volunteering

Supplies Clean Trails Provides:

Contact your Clean Trails State Coordinator to make arrangements for acquiring these supplies.

  • Volunteer sign in sheet

  • Plastic bags (Even better if you bring old grocery bags from home)

  • Clean Trails Banner

  • Litter Getters

  • T-shirts for a fee

  • Return envelope for Litter Getters if a Clean Trails volunteer isn’t present

Supplies Volunteers Could Bring From Home:

  • Water & snacks

  • Appropriate clothing including hats for hot days, etc

  • Gloves (gardening or plastic are fine)

  • Old grocery bags, oftentimes found under the sink

  • Camera to take pictures (share on your company’s social media and on Clean Trails social media)